Code of conduct
The board wants everyone to have a great time in the comforts of T.F.V. 'Professor Francken'
This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of the board as well as examples of unac-
ceptable behavior.
Examples of acceptable behavior:
- Be considerate, kind, constructive and helpful.
- Speak English in the common room and at events.
- Consume alcohol with responsibility.
Examples of unacceptable behavior:
- Insulting/derogatory comments, public or private harassment.
- Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct.
- Offensive or disrespectful comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orienta- tion, mental illness, physical appearance, race, religion or disability.
- Sustained disruption of talks or other events.
- Disrespecting the organisers of the event.
- Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission.
- Drug promotion of any kind on the university campus.
- Failure to obey any other rules or regulations of the event.
- Any and all other conduct which you know could reasonably be considered inappropriate.
If you see or experience any issues in the Francken room or at a Francken event (on or off university cam- pus), please let the board know so that action can be taken right away. You can email the board at or talk to them directly at the event. If you feel uncomfortable talking to a board member then please contact the advisory board (RvA) by emailing them at
To request the statutes of T.F.V. 'Professor Francken', email the board at