Sadly, past generations and certain technologies have formed a threat against the future generations to meet their own needs. That is why governmental, economic and academic organisations across the globe are trying to come up with ways to ensure our generation can go on to live a sustainable lifestyle without compromising our ability to meet our own needs.

The University of Groningen has set sustainability as one of its key values, and has formed a Green Office to initiate and coordinate sustainable projects across the university and developed a Sustainability Roadmap with their focusses and goals for the upcoming years.

Our role as a study association in this worldwide problem is coming up with ways to make our association more sustainable for our members. Secondly, we should inspire and motivate our members to think, learn and do something with sustainability and improve their lifestyle.

Francken has received a Bronze Label from the Green Office Groningen last year, and should strive for receiving a Silver or Gold Label in the upcoming years. In order to achieve this Green Label, we have come up with a detailed plan to make our association more sustainable inspired by guidelines made by the Green Office.

The Green Office has a blog with regular posts on what the Green Office does and how to be greener.

Last updated: 11 months ago